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Se antes Jos Mart em Cuba em com Nuestra
Se antes José Martí em Cuba, em 1891, com Nuestra América, e logo, em 1900, José Enrique Rodó com Ariel, propugnavam uma alteridade diversa dos Estados Unidos para os latino-americanos pós-independência, por exemplo, Dipesh Chakrabarty, em Provincializing Europe, reelaborou essas e aquelas consignas
br We value the efforts
We value the efforts of Akram Ahmad and colleagues (August, 2016) in highlighting an important issue related to the regulation of antibiotic fixed-dose combination drugs (FDCs) in India. Moreover, we agree with Ahmad and colleagues that actions taken by the Indian Government to ban irrational FDCs
As shown in Table of those
As shown in Table 3, 55% of those women in the 20–29 years old category had high knowledge regarding cervical cancer screening. Also, 55% of the Shona and 50% of the Ndebele had high knowledge of cervical cancer screening. Additionally, 55% of the married women and 67% of the widowed women had high
Most forms of AVNRT are
Most forms of AVNRT are created by reentry between two (or more) atrial connections to the AV node. The fast AV nodal pathway (shortest conduction time) is formed by transitional cells crossing the tendon of Todaro superiorly. Two slow AV nodal pathways are formed by the rightward and leftward infer
De hecho en una cultura como
De hecho, en una cultura como la mexicana de mediados del siglo xix, en que predomina la iconografía y símbolos tradicionales del catolicismo, la Crucifixión es de importancia fundamental, entendida a lo largo de El fistol del diablo a nivel de sinécdoque, es decir, de la parte por el todo: la herid
Lead failures are classified as either
Lead failures are classified as either structural lead failures or electrical lead failures, and failures of 8F single coil leads are more frequently reported. Structural failures occur with a reported incidence of 14–34% and are evident as cable exteriorization in fluoroscopy studies [6,7]. Electri
br Material and methods br Results br Discussion br
Material and methods Results Discussion Conclusion Financial support Conflicts of interest Introduction Metabolic syndrome comprises a cluster of conditions, including obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, and abnormal cholesterol levels, which together increase cardiovascu
We describe a novel case wherein a patient with
We describe a novel case, wherein a patient with AML with inv (16) underwent allogeneic bone marrow transplantation from a related sibling donor which contained a small subpopulation of premalignant stem nmda receptor with trisomy 11. Fourteen years following transplantation, this patient presented
Purkinje potentials have been identified
Purkinje potentials have been identified in some cases of successful ablation of PVCs originating in the right ventricular papillary muscles, indicating a possible involvement of the Purkinje fibers as well as the left ventricular papillary muscles [3,4]. During our first procedure, a Purkinje poten
We observed a downregulation of several thyroid related gene
We observed a downregulation of several thyroid-related genes such as DUOX1, DUOX2, TG, and TSHR. This may appear counterintuitive given that dedifferentiation typically worsens patient outcomes. However, it is noteworthy that there was no difference in the Epinephrine Bitartrate manufacturer of SLC
It is noteworthy that in
It is noteworthy that in a recent study, Le Scouarnec et al. [199]. estimated the burden of rare coding variation in arrhythmia susceptibility genes among 167 BrS index patients and compared that with 167 individuals ≥65 years old with no history of cardiac arrhythmia. The authors concluded that, ex
will be remembered as an exceptional year
2013 will be remembered as an exceptional year in shaping our strategy to control HIV/AIDS. Indeed, a few weeks after the 30th anniversary of the discovery of the virus, a decisive step was made in deciding how to use antiretroviral therapy (ART) for treatment and prevention worldwide. New WHO publi
Para el a o Il ya ten a consolidada
Para el año 2010, Ilê ya tenía consolidada una escuela popular en pleno barrio Liberdade, había influenciado en la emergencia de muchos otros afrobahianos, era considerado parte fundamental del patrimonio cultural de Salvador, y comienzaba K03861 permitir la participación de mestizos y blancos en su
Therefore if appropriate vitamin supplement times wk for pre
Therefore, if appropriate vitamin supplement (>3 times/wk) for pregnant women would reduce the serum levels of copper, which has been demonstrated in the current issue of the , is it possible that the fetus might escape a potentially toxic bioaccumulation of mercury and copper? Of course, the fetus
Bone marrow resident Macs Osteomacs are located
Bone marrow resident Macs (Osteomacs) are located in canopy-like structures in endosteal and periosteal surfaces, above osteoblasts [6]; osteoclasts result from the fusion of several myeloid osteoclast precursors [7]. Osteomacs constitute approximately 17% of the bone marrow ccr2 antagonist and the
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